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Scripting help please.


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I'm sure an expert modder can crap out a script I need with ease. I'm making an Armor Perk mod and the Heavy Armor perks I'm making look like they're gonna need scripts. What I want to do is get a percentage of the player's health, preferably after buffs like enchantments, and increase their max health based upon that percentage. So example: The player has 500 BASE HP and +100 HP from enchantments for a total of 600. The perk grants another 10% after buffs, so max HP is now 660.


Can anyone lend me a hand with figuring how to make this work? I'm god awful with scripts and even when one is given to me I can have a hard time making it work because I'm that dumb. Any help is appreciated. (I'm using Legendary Edition.) Also if the script requires SKSE take into account I also have no idea how to use SKSE to make scripts. In fact assume I know absolutely nothing when anything script related is involved.

Edited by Hatsodoom
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