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Castle Dar Khuun Map CTD


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I'd normally just ask this sorta thing in chat but i'm DESPERATE.


There is this guy, Kane. He made THIS piece of utter awesomeness you see here. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22020#content


Now, for somebody who thinks you can't bother playing an elder scrolls game without an epic player home, this is like gold.


The problem is, it suddenly Crashes-to-desktop whenever I load the local map on an interior cell. His interior cell or ANY interior cell. If I uninstall the mod, everything works fine.


Since the creator of the mod is in the middle east and presumably can do nothing to fix things for a long, long time, I've taken it upon myself to fix this mod, for me and everybody. It's just too amazing to let it go to waste.


I do not use any mods that alter the maps of Skyrim. Please, if anyone who knows what they're doing could maybe download it and prod at it in the creation kit and find out what's wrong... I'd be ever so grateful. Pretty please?

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