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Need help with custom weapon mod

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Here are several screen shots to help me elaborate on the issue:







From the first two everything looks good right? Everything is where i expect it to be. There are several meshes that all line up as i intended. As soon as i pick up the weapon the trigger, clip and bolt all move around. As you can see in the screenshot.


At first i thought there was something in the nif that was moving everything around but then it hit me, all of the non moving parts are staying in their correct position but the moving parts have.... moved but not in a uniform direction. The bolt moves up and forward, the clip forwad and shifts along the x axis a touch, (pic below to draw it out) while the trigger disappears downward and back into the grip.



i googled that s*** for hours but couldn't come up with anything that explains this.


My instinct tells me i havent placed the animations correctly somehow but when testing the bolt, trigger and clip all move properly just not in the right position.

If there are more details i can provide to help unravel this please let me know!


Thanks in advance for your response.


Edited by untolds
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So it turns out the answer was I needed to adjust the positions of the new BSTriShapes in relation to the ones I used as a template for this project.


I had zero'd out the translations on the BSTriShapes while using the translation on the NiNodes to put the pieces into position. This caused all the pieces that were dependent on an animation to float in space where they shouldn't be.


The correct method (for me at least) was to zero out the connection points, use the old weapon NiNode translation coordinates for each BSTrishape in the NiNode translation values for the new weapon's BSTrishapes and subtract those values. Once i plugged in the differences I loaded up the game and everything was where i expected it to be.



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