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Setting up a fle for " Download with NMM Manger" ?


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Hi guys,


I hope this is only going to take one qualified answer. I'm new to publishig my mods so I never tried to set up an archieve that the Nexus Mod Manager could handle correctly. I released my mod with an zip file that contains all the files in a data folder. Ready to be etracted to the Skyrim folder. However people are reporting problems to install the mod by adding it to the NMM list. THey say it links to wallpaper etc... IHow do I set up my archieve correctly?

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I just downloaded your RoyalBlood-0831-Alpha file. It's NMM compatible, no problem there. It will be installed properly with NMM.


EDIT: For the name problem in NMM it's because of the version number. NMM thinks it's the ID of a file on the nexus, and there is a file with 0831 as ID, it's PAXX, so NMM think this archive is for PAXX. :biggrin:

But that's just a naming problem.

Edited by Gilead Maerlyn
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