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The "Godray Square" that plagues my nightmares.

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Hey Nexus members, so I've been working on a Fallout 4 mod for some time now, which includes custom weather. I've come to notice anytime I use weather that has godrays, it applies a nasty and ugly "glare" or reflection square when entering shaded areas.

I know Godrays are atleast part of the issue because setting them to None_Rays in the custom weather stops this issue from happening. A couple things. This is both custom weather and a *very small* custom worldspace. I'm on PS4 so my maps are designed to be rather small, as we cannot generate LOD. I am not sure if being unable to generate LOD would somehow cause this, frankly I can't see how that would be the case.

Another, probably irrelevant, point is that I'm using the Institute Maple trees (healthy trees) and iirc they are never exposed to godrays in the vanilla game, so I guess godrays trying to pass through the foliage could be an issue? I really don't know, I'm in wild speculation mode.

Does anybody know any way to deal with this which would not deal with external assets or just disabling godrays? If I have to, I will forgo using the rays... but I would rather not.

Here is what it looks like: 7IFye8b.jpg

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