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Dawnguard yet again


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Yet again Dawnguard flips me off. First it was an eye glitch, now I can't do anything to the damned sun with Auriel's bow. Eyes, can't blot out sun anymore, whats next, Vampire Lord transforms me into a giant chicken monster?


Does anyone know if any mods conflict with the blotting out of the sun? Or is there a technique that I simply got lucky on with the first time? To be honest, my arrows seem to be falling from the sky rather then getting anywhere near the dang sun.



Anyone suggestions?

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Try disabling it in your game loader of choice, un-check it, re-load a save before you tried to bloat out the sun and see what happens!..


if the Daedric Crossbow mod added scripts as well, you might have to completely remove the mod and reload a earlier save!..


Dawnguard is picky about scripts, owe and on August 4th a new version of skse [script extender] was released



right now I'm testing out the mod called Faster Dawnguard bolts and if the quest for the moth priest screws up again I may remove Faster Dawnguard bolts mod, the moth priest keeps being hostile at fort dawnguard to everyone and a vampire was in his blue spire prison last game playthrough!..

Edited by sinnerman69
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Nothing, just shot the sun three times with Bloodcursed arrows and Auriel's bow. Nadda. Or what I THINK is the sun. Not sure if it could be somehow... The picture is there but the actual area for the "Sun" is elsewhere.


I use NMM so I just uninstalled em.


Edit: Well, one of my own bloodcursed arrows almost took my head off after it fell back down from the sky.

Edited by Mechane
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It works now, the sad thing is its in an earlier save in which I have to do a bit of work. Will attempt to see if it NOW works in my actual save, otherwise I'll have to kill Harkon again :(


Edit: It doesn't work in my actual current save... *sigh* THE FRICK DAWNGUARD

Edited by Mechane
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