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Creating Custom Difficulty Modes


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I'd very much appreciate if someone could either create a mod, or teach me how to create a mod that adds new difficulty options to the game.


If you'd rather create the mod than teach me how here's an attempt at explaining what difficulty I'd like:


Both the player and enemies deal high damage, dying in maybe 1-5 hits depending on armor.

The idea of this is that you have to be careful when fighting, but still don't have to hack away at the opponent 20-30ish times to actually kill him.


I'd prefer a tutorial for how to do this, as I might have to experiment with modifiers to get to the difficulty I'd like.

I would probably start with something like: damage dealt 1x-2x and damage taken 2x-4x


Thanks in advance.

Edited by TarkoRehin
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try ASIS mod, ASIS have feature like that


here is Game Setting (GMST) from ASIS, every number is default:



;E=Easy (Apprentice), H=Hard (Expert), N=Normal (Adept)

;VH=Very Hard (Master), VE=Very Easy (Novice)

;Damage Multiplier by player character (?)







;Damage Multiplier TO player character (?)








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