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Glock 19 and a few others


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I have no modeling skills but I'd love to have a few guns in game. I'm not even really asking anyone to do it. More of a wishlist that I felt like chugging out tonight.


A G19 in game. As an avid shooter and a man attending a tradeschool for gunsmithing it'd be nice to have one of the few 9mms that I like in the game. I had one back when I was active and stationed out west and like an idiot I sold it. Getting a new one this fall because really, like a 1911 it is one of those must own handguns.


The Detonics MTX http://www.detonicsdefense.com/gallery/mtx/ would also be a welcome addition. I have yet to get my hands on one but it is an interesting concept and promising looking one.


The XD Tactical in .45 ACP, another welcome addition.


A Full Rail 1911 like the ones Springfield Armory used to make and the ones that Rock Island Armory (Armsor of the Philippines) now produces. Failing that a railed 1911 like Doublestars new offering, the SA Operator, the Colt Railgun, or the Dan Wesson Professional would be super. Nice to have a working taclight to go with the rail...


I grew up in the 90's and I'd love to see a STAR Model 92FS with the wood and rubber grips.


A Para-Ordnance 14-45 Tactical, also very cool. A double Stack, single action 1911 would be a hoot to have in game. Plus rails on guns have begun to grow on me.


I also wouldn't mind coming across the CZ 75 and the smaller P-01 variant. Excellent guns, best of their breed IMHO.


A really nicely done Sig 226 or 220 would also be cool, maybe the elite or DAK models. The ones I've found on the Nexus are meh...no offense because if I modeled one it would look like you were holding Mister Hanky.


I love my Beretta Cx4 Carbine as well. Aftermarket rails make it a versatile platform and the 16" barrel increases your velocity by 20% A great mod would be a Micro Red Dot like the Aimpoint Micro T1.


A Galil with the 1913 rail systems would be super.


The new H&K P30 and 45 would be nifty. The compacts would make nice holdout guns. I never cottoned to the USP...yes it was built like a tank but it was bulky, the mag release wasn't my style. These new H&Ks are head and shoulders above their predecessors in the ergonomics department.


An M249 with the mgo (Machine Gun Optic) that I learned to use as an 11 bravo would be great. The MGO is a fantastic piece of gear.


Like I said more of just a random hair I had and I felt like posting and not all that much of a request. If we got everything we wanted life would get boring quick or we'd deviate to new wants.

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