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Please Remember Who Thunk It


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Firstly, a quick thanks to all of the amazingly skilled modders there are out there.


I have a few ideas for mods that would be simple but would create a more immersive game.


1. Door Knocking


Give the option at every door to a) Knock, b) Open, c) Pick, or d) Bash in. If you decide to knock on a door, you have the prompt to specify if you want a severe knock, or a sensible one. This would be one factor that would help determine the reaction from the NPC who answers the door (The time of day being another factor). You could also have a secret knock that would open certian doors. If you decide to opt for d) Bash in, your strength or some warrior type trate/skill/perc would be used to determine your rate of success. Also, what the door is made of would also be considered.



2. House Illumination


Should an NPC be killed, if they own a house then their fire goes out, and the windows are no longer lit up from outside. Basically, their whole home goes dark.


3. Bank


Some sort of financial institute that you can invest in (or rob)


4. Casino


Self explanitory.


Thanks for your time, please let me know your thoughts.



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