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Floors flickering in house I built


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I've done some modding and I've found that when you have pieces of archetexture flickering it means that two or more pieces are actually overlapping on the same plane. So what it means is that the game is trying to render both surfaces at the same time and produces a flicker. You'll have to go back into the CS and move a piece by just one increment off of the other pieces plane uselly I move them on the z axis.


You can also sometimes fix this issue by changing the size of a piece as well. Keep at it this is a common problem you'll run into as a mod user or maker I've often loaded up housing mods where the author had this issue and didnt fix them its quite annoying and makes the work less desireable but its easy to fix in the ealier stages of making the mod.


Also some tips

-Don't delete pieces, especailly stuff that already excists in the vanilla worldspace

-Best practice is to build around stuff that is already there in game

-If you have to delete a piece in game, just move it below the floor of your project out of sight this prevents accidently deleting all references of the object throughout the game.

-Save often and make backups of your work so you can go back to earlier builds.

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