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Creation kit: Corpse looting event/Adding custom items to dead enemies

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Hi guys, i'm currently work on my mod and i have problems with realisation of some features. In other words, I need help with understanding the scripts.

I want to make it so that when accessing the enemy’s corpse in stealth mode, a menu with several options appears, for example:

1. Search (Standard access to enemy inventory)
2. Attentive search for caps (Will add extra caps)

The problem is that I have some idea how to make such a menu, but I do not understand how to catch the access event to the corpse.
I found one event, which seems to me what I need - onmenuopencloseevent, but among the menus that are present in it, I did not find the corpse inventory menu = (
I'll be glad for any help, guides, script examples or creation kit advices.
= )

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Damn Apocalypse has a similar feature where we perform some extra action on corpses to add more items to the corpse. Check it out here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33812


If you have any questions about how it works (you'll have to decompile the PEX files with Champollion - I'll provide script sources in a later version) you can PM me. But try to pick it apart first. :smile:


This thread ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6757672-attach-additional-hotkey-to-quick-loot-menu/&do=findComment&comment=61215417 ) also covers how I built it.

Edited by payl0ad
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Damn Apocalypse has a similar feature where we perform some extra action on corpses to add more items to the corpse. Check it out here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33812


If you have any questions about how it works (you'll have to decompile the PEX files with Champollion - I'll provide script sources in a later version) you can PM me. But try to pick it apart first. :smile:


This thread ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6757672-attach-additional-hotkey-to-quick-loot-menu/&do=findComment&comment=61215417 ) also covers how I built it.

Maaan, THIS IS ALL YOU HAD TO SAY!!!! Really, this addition button for harvesting was my first idia, but i've dropped it due to problems with implementation. But your mod turned out to be a real gift for me, I decompiled the devourment from Skyrim, cleenupyourcorpses, but because of a bunch of script files, I just got lost in them. In general, I am already proceeding to the decompiling, I will write about the results))))

Edited by LoR1DoK
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