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Tes4Gecko Guide


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does anyone know a good guide for the merge mod feature of tes4gecko? i read over the read me but it was a bit confusing, a link or brief explanation would be nice. specifically: when i mark one .esp 1 and another 2 what mod gets put into what mod. Also what mods can be merged together (i don't need a list but more of a general overview)


thank you in advance to those who reply

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Using the "Merge Plugins" function of TES4Gecko is pretty simple.


Anything marked with a "1" will get laid down first.

Anything marked with a "2" will overwrite stuff in the mods marked "1" if the second plugin makes changes to the same information.

Anything marked with a "3" etc, etc, etc


In general, it's a good idea to only merge plugins that do not modify the same information, especially ones that modify entire worldspace cells; the results can be kinda messy if you're not careful, and I don't recommend it to anyone who's not familiar with the functions of the Construction Set.


My advice is to get familiar with the Construction Set first (there's a great wiki on that subject at http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page ), which will help you understand how Oblivion's world is organized, what information is involved with what items, etc...


...and then start practicing with TES4Gecko.


Remember: Make good backups of your files BEFORE you start tinkering with them, so you can recover from the inevitable mistakes you will make while you're learning. Good luck! :smile:

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