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Mods to add to the realism of gameplay


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I really enjoy the idea that oblivion gives off that you are really in the game, the sounds and landscape always makes me feel as though I actually am inside the province of Cyrodiil. I'm still looking for a mod that will fix a few things for me though, such as the need to eat, drink and sleep. I installed the modular oblivion enhanced and quarls harvest, both which helped to add to realism but since im an ex-vampire the hunger effects from modular oblivion enhanced dont work for me. Also, (if possible) Im looking for any mods to make the horses seem more real. I already have Slof's great textures so Im looking for stuff that makes them seem more... horsie... You know, grazing more, moving more, making more sounds. I would also love a mod that made them need food and water too. I was checking out this other rpg game which was describing how the horses seem to have minds of their own and will refuse to go to certain places and other junk like that and I was like aww!! I mean seriously, what horse with half a brain would gallop (if thats what you call it with how fast they go) towards a huge fiery gate to oblivion?? But yea. Oh and the way that horses rear at enemies... why cant they do that while you're riding them? that would teach those pesky wolves a lesson. I've got a few other mods that add to overall realism effects but any suggestions would be great.
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qarls harvest lets you feed horses and adds barrels of hay to do so.


i know there are mods that make you eat drink and even bath daily or else your stats go down, d oa search on tesnexus for them.


as for the horse AI thing, im not too sure, if i find something ill let you know or if another member knows any im sure they will post it for you :)

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