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Problem with Mods


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You may need to add the line bEnableFileSelection=1 in your SkyrimPrefs.ini located in My document/MyGames/Skyrim



1. Find the SkyrimPrefs.ini (use windows find file if you have to) its usually under My document/MyGames/Skyrim

2. Open this file with notepad (or right click choose edit)

3. Look for the line:



bShowAllResolutions=0 <-- change to 1 adding the 1 makes mods show in game properly

Edited by sinnerman69
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Then the Last lines should be like this? :




Edit: Just tested like this only 1 mod (it change texture in witherun) are working now, I want to use mod that add companion but i dont found the companion in the place where he should be in

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mine looks like this, but it could be a Windows 7 thing








Did you manually install or use NMM? Make sure it installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\data folder, all mods except skse [script extender] go inside the data folder, skse goes in the same folder as your games exe TESV

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I don't use NMM, I download to my deskktop and use winrar to extract mods and if it's a BSA file I use Fallout Mod Manager to extract those mods into a folder on my desktop and I copy the mods to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\data folder



I like to keep a copy on my desktop in case I need to refer back to it to remove the mod manually


it's not shortcut copy's either, it's cut, copy and paste the folders and mods to my data folder

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BSA is the extension files name, it's a form of compression


All the brown icon files with the nuclear symbol on them are BSA extension files, see picture below



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