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Black lines in Skyrim (messes all up)


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All right, I've played Skyrim all day long today. With loads of mods and stuff. It played really fair, with 60fps (vsync on) basically all day. But then later I treid to overclock both CPU and GPU, which went ok, temps and all are just fine. But when I tried to load Skyrim, this was what I saw.




In the meantime I will reclock everything to default (have already done so with GPU, no change) and tell you if that fixed it. If not, please help me!


Specs: Asus Radeon HD 7970 DC II, i5 3570k, GGBT GA-Z77X-UD5H, 8 Gb Corsair XMS3 1600mhz. (I've tried a couple of other games, they all work fine)

Edited by AmundNoR
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