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White skin Issue!


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I been making custom body's for fallout 3 without any problem but for some reason this body is all white and I know it's not a mismatched skin tone its unnaturally white plz help.





Edited by Jenova23
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Jenova23 - Hello!


Is the custom body you are working on added by an .esp file?


Because Fallout 3 has a problem with NPC's added by .esp's resulting in mismatched heads/bodies.


You need any mod adding bodies to be an .esm, or at least flagged as one.


You can either change the flag on your plugin to a .esm with FO3Edit in Masterupdate mode or tick the .esm box on your .esp in FO3Edit manually.


Or change the plugin into an .esm properly with a tool like FO3 Plugin Utility:




Obviously you'll need to keep your plugin an .esp as long as you are working on it as GECK won't let you work directly on a master (.esm).


Change your mod when you are done or want to check it.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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Jenova23 - Hello!


Is the custom body you are working on added by an .esp file?


Because Fallout 3 has a problem with NPC's added by .esp's resulting in mismatched heads/bodies.


You need any mod adding bodies to be an .esm, or at least flagged as one.


You can either change the flag on your plugin to a .esm with FO3Edit in Masterupdate mode or tick the .esm box on your .esp in FO3Edit manually.


Or change the plugin into an .esm properly with a tool like FO3 Plugin Utility:




Obviously you'll need to keep your plugin an .esp as long as you are working on it as GECK won't let you work directly on a master (.esm).


Change your mod when you are done or want to check it.


Hope this helps!



I already tried that already for some reason it only happens indoors, or at night and yes its a new body shape but I never had this problem with any of the other body's of mine Its possible I might of hit something on accident blender or nifskope since all I did was edit a preexisting body shape as always and I never had this problem.

Edited by Jenova23
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