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Mesh/Texute Problem


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I am pretty sure that this should be here. So here is my little problem. I wanted to make a viking/barbarian armor for skyrim (and it's quite finnished - imagine diablo 3 barbarian gear but little toned down). Used 3ds max and Nifscope for it. The model is allright, the bones are allright, bsdismember is there. Everything that should be there is there in short. So I exported it as a nif, edited a little in nifscope using some other mesh from a another (working mod) so evey property is there and has correct values. And here is the thing. The mesh is in the game, the game does not crash, everything works with the skeleton....but the thing is purple. Before you ask: Yes I putted the texture in Nifscope as texture/... with a correct order. I really have no idea, why the textures won't load.
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You could have made an error and put the texture in the wrong directory.


Your mesh could have material properties that radiate a purple color. (Not very likely, but it is possible, and I have seen it happen.)


Maybe your texture is locked up in a .bsa with no file of the same name to unlock it.


If you have a weak computer, sometimes the textures fail to load on a random basis. Although when I have seen this happen, the meshes with missing textures rendered as white rather than purple like would be expected.


If you have a ton of mods, you could be having an archive invalidation issue.

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