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Save Game Size Trends


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Could someone please define a normal progression of save file size if any and if I should worry about mine. Also I would like to know if I'm overreacting, screwed, or I messed around with too many mods and is there an easy fix, etc. I have the Unofficial Skyrim Patch as the last loaded ESM and Mart's Debloatifier as the 2nd to last ESP currently. I only have 22 plugins right now including Skyrim, Update, and Dawnguard (I think) The first post in this other thread has recent screen-caps of my installed mods and plugin load order, etc. - The Link
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Your save file size is fine.

Your sizes show a steady progression from 4700kb to 5800kb. The save file size WILL increase the longer you play.

If you file size jumped suddenly from 4700kb to say 12000kb, that would indicate an abnormal bloat.

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Your save file size is fine.

Your sizes show a steady progression from 4700kb to 5800kb. The save file size WILL increase the longer you play.

If you file size jumped suddenly from 4700kb to say 12000kb, that would indicate an abnormal bloat.

That looks about normal for 11 hours of play.

Apparent non-problem solved I guess, thanks.

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BetterTejbz, your savegame growth may be alittle high, 1.1 MB growth over 2-3 (11?) hours of gameplay

(if i'm seeing your savegame timestamps correctly) seems like something might be causing bloat.

You're running some big intrusive overhaul mods so these could be embedding stuff into your savegames.

It's hard to tell without checking things further.


Marts Savegame De-Bloatifier by Martigen - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8216

seems to cover known issues causing bloat and i think the Unofficial Skyrim Patch also attempts to fix these.


i've been using these mods for a while that do the same things:

Possessive Corpses no more lazy zombies and shy nirnroots v1.8 by Amgepo - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4528

in addition to this mod which provides timer options on clearing/respawning locations:

SkyRim Respawn Timescale DeadBody Timers Vendor Respawn by Corepc - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3084


i have several active game playthrus going and estimate if a savegame exceeds 16-17 MB on a level 60-70 character

then something might be unnecessarily bloating the game.

not sure what dawnguard or other quest dlc's might contribute.

also, in my opinion, disabling autosave and manually saving the game in quiet locations is a good idea.

(never had issues with autosave; but, i have a fast machine).

Edited by xlcr
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I already disabled auto-saves on travel, wait, and sleep so I wouldn't have a ton of unnecessary zips from the Skyrim Backup Storer. Thanks for those 2 mod suggestions though. I'd ask if you know any more but too many bloat-reducing mods being active could defeat the purpose. I feel like I'm learning Applied "Save File Bloat" Theory from this. If there was a word for a mod-conflict hypochondriac, I could be probably be aptly described as such. (Oh no, a 750 kilobyte increase in file size, the Rexton playthru is doomed! o_O) Edited by BetterTejbz
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BetterTejbz, agreed, seems to be more/less a necessary evil playing watchguard over gamesave integrity and

ever vigilant against dreaded bloat; but, a given task for gamers that add mods and tweak any Bethesda game.

After investing many hours into a playthru i certainly don't want to see everything trashed by an amateur mod

embedding crap into gamesaves or sloppy corrupted scripting or a mod-breaking update patch.


Anyway, I'm sure Bethesda's aware of save issues with the game engine and Skyrim's open explorable sandbox world,

let's hope they continue refining/fixing things and making Skyrim more robust for the modding community. :turned:


by the way, did i guess right?

your savegame folder snapshot contains saves over a time period of only approx under 2-hours right?

if you're getting over 1mb of bloat added to your saves from just under 2 hours of play, you may have an issue.

if this is a lower level character that is at the beginning of the game then the growth might be normal.

Edited by xlcr
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