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A whiched, tourtered father and his 7 doughters


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He is crawling / digging with his hands/ nails / bones at a well that brought him there from the first place. 
His mind got sick of it. 
And one by one he brought his daughters there. Lured them from the forest near his old home before he vanished that day. 
How they found his tools, his best dog with human bitemarks into it.
The tools, that no one was allowed to touch... 
And, all of his clothes… All of them where spread right outside that dark, ancient cursed grave no one ever went to!

The grave with that floura that didn´t grow anywhere else
The place we told our kid´s that the ground would eat them if they went close.

We told them that he had been murdured by bandits.

But in the grass outside, we found two pair of feets.
Dancing into the grave. 
The same pattern that always occures when one of the girls gone missing... 

A dance to the grave...

I always need a backstory before im trying on a big project i know i cant do!

(best thing i have ever wrote)


Is this a helpful forum?

I have a lot of stupid questions.


I want to make a mazelike dungeon, that is, like a maze that changes whenever the player progress...


Kind of like this,


Edited by thasundancekid
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