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Mod Setup Help


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Hey all,


At risk of sounding like a lazy turd... I need some significant help, more specifically someone do it it for me, whatever it take$.


Long story short I have tried all sorts of troubleshooting and cant seem to get everything to work, when I get one thing to work another breaks, for example I get SKSE to launch Skyrim SE, but FNIS wont work properly, or vice versa( not always the case, just an example.)


With work and my family I simply dont have enough time to keep digging.


Can anyone help? I can provide remote access to someone who is willing to at least get the basics running for me. I should be able to add most mods myself once we get the important stuff out of the way.


Feel free to shoot me an email as I may not get this reply quickly. [email protected]


Thanks in advance!

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