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How can I make my custom guards arrest the player on sight?


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I have some jailors in this player home I am working on. I want them to try to arrest the player on sight, the player can refuse and fight or be arrested and thrown in jail. I have played with the guards' crime faction and tried setting them to guard and sandbox in their AI package but I can't seem to make them do this. It would be great if, instead of warning and attacking the player for trespassing they would try to arrest the player instead.


Perhaps there is a way to add a really high bounty to the player without them committing a crime? If so I'm not savvy enough to figure out how to do that.

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There should be a command which allows you to add a high bounty to the player


player.setcrimelevel - Or something on those lines.. Try having a look on a website which gives you cheat codes.

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