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[REQUEST]Possible idea to fix nord (and other race) issues with the da


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okay, so, i have an idea for a mod/ plugin that could possibly help with the various issues people are having with the way dawnguard seems to be changing the race back to (insert your race here), instead of leaving you a vampire after using the vampire lord ability. ive searched the web for a solution, and none have worked yet. i even started a fresh game with dawnguard enabled from the start to see if it would fix things, to no avail. i have put the [Archive] values in the skyrim.ini for dawnguard, but still have the issue.


however, that was just a brief history/ intro to my mod idea. i would make it myself, but i have no experience with creating mods myself, so unless someone would be willing to help me, (that would be great, because i would like to learn to make some,) this will be up to you guys.


here it is:


my problem (along with some other peoples) seems to be that when we revert to normal from vampire lord, something changes us back into a regular nord. (i am going to use nord here, since it is easier to refer to, and since that is what i am playing as, but i hear it is happening for a couple other races as well). however, this seems to be temporarily fixed through console using the player.setrace command, and when nessesary the "set playerisvampire to 1" command as well. but in my case, i have to do that every time i finish using the vampire lord, because it doesnt want to stick. either im missing a step or something, or idk, but heres where my idea struck me.


what if we can take these two (and any other necessary commands) and compile them into a script, then attaching it to the command that dawnguard uses to change from VL to normal, making the use of the console commands automated along with the change from VL.


still following me?


i hope i didnt confuse anyone, cause i may have no idea what i am talking about, but i thought id propose a solution of sorts, and see if it was possible.


so if someone will be willing to help me make this, that would be awesome, otherwise, feel free to do it on your own, and/ or comment and let me know your thoughts and any other possible ways to make this work.



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