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Horse Combat problem


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I hope this is the right place to put this.


I'm having a problem where trying to use a melee weapon from a horse only results in a hit a very small portion of the time. Archery and charges work no problem, but the melee weapons usually go right through the target, and if I try to do a right-sided power attack (hold left mouse), the animation hangs and I'm stuck raising the sword in the air. This is the first time I've modded skyrim and have spent the last day getting everything installed with the right load order, with wrye bash used to merge lists, etc.


What is the best way to troubleshoot this? I've tried removing all of my combat mods, like ASIS, ACE fighting, the duel, etc one by one to see if I could isolate the problem, but no luck. I did this by unchecking the respective modules with NMM. Is this a way to disable the mods? I would rather avoid going through the PITA of completely removing, testing, then putting everything back together in exactly the right order and making sure everything is good, now that I have it installed.



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