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VA Looking To Make More Automatron Voices


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So I'm a freelance voice actor and I've been looking into making additional voice packs for use in Automatron and frankly... there doesn't really seem to be a whole lot of documentation out there on the subject. I already kinda inquired with the guy behind "More Robot Voices for Automatron" and never heard back, so I guess I'll kinda open it up to anyone who's interested: if somebody who knows how to accomplish this could provide me with, say, the subtitle script that Automatron robots use, would they be interested in perhaps bashing together a mod that would put my voices into the game? I've got a studio quality mic and I've been doing voices ever since I learned to talk, so I promise I'm not just some terrible idiot who thinks he's better than he is; if you're interested but have doubts that I'd actually deliver something worthwhile, I have professionally recorded demo tapes available that I can send to assure you I'm good.

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