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The ultimate home mod!


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I need to find a mod that has a home with storage display for every, adn I mean every unique item. The completionist/collector in me is yearning for a place where I can display everything. Do anyone one of you know of a mod that does this. I have been looking through dozens of home mods but none has all of the unique items displays.

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Levelers Tower mod has a huge room dedicated to the storage of such items. It is a huge living area with many amenities. It gives you the best horse in Skyrim.


Legacy of the Dragonborn is an entire mod dedicated to collecting and storing a ton of unique items and memorabilia. It has many quests to obtain items.


Elianora's Breezehome has a small storage and display area for many collectables.


Helgen Reborn has a living area with a cavern dedicated to such items.

Edited by Moksha8088
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