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[Idea] "Enchanting" items without enchanting


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one thing that bothered me while playing skyrim was that i had to get enchanting to 100 in order to get some resists or extra health/damage on custom gear (or hope to find a already enchanted piece at a vendor). While it is totally possible to play without enchanted items, or get along with bought/found enchanted items or artifacts, it kind of feels wrong. At least for me.


I searched for mods that add enchanting/smithing npcs, but it seems to be extremely extensive or impossible to implement these.


A possible solution (or workaround) for that problem could be a script attached to a craftable item, which is equipped in an unused slot (like the bandolier bags), that checks if a specific armor piece is enchanted or not (if that is possible with ck/papyrus/skse). If its not enchanted, the script simply adds the effect of an enchant to the player character, pretty much like the "Elemental Fury" shout does with weapons.


These craftable items (trinket, jewelry or something) could be crafted somewhere, while the reciepes for these items could be linked to smithing, alchemy and speechcraft perks or quests and books.


This would allow smiths to use their own crafted stuff without lvling enchanting and without giving up permanent magical effects. And for RP purposes it would allow to play without magic or sending innocent souls to the soul cairn :ohdear:.


Some examples:


Small charm of the happy Merchant

(Requires the "Investor" perk, crafted at a tanning rack, made from leather, leather strips, paper, some silver rings, hawk and hagraven feathers)

"Buying and selling prices are 20% better, armor is increased by 50 and fire resistance is increased by 30% while wearing an unenchanted helmet"


Ancient dwemer shield gyro

(Requires a book found somewhere, crafted at a forge, requires a few dwemger gyros and scrap metal)

"30% less stagger and 15% chance to reflect damage while wearing an unenchanted shield"


Thanks in advance and i hope that someone understands what i was trying to explain :)

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