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iron sights compatability questions.


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Hi all,


I was pretty new to moddin when i played skyrim and although i loved it much i was plagued by installin tonnes of mods and basically kept havin to reinstall my messed up game.


fallout 3 was a big love of mine on the 360 at launch and after gettin up to so much mayhem in skyrim i couldn't help but eventually take the plunge for FO3 on PC.


So followin Gopher's moddin FO3 youtube series i have managed to have a stable modded FO3. Even at this though i had a few issues includin a complete reinstall after a few hours work. second time i checked the game after each mod. with this method i managed to catch the route of CTD's and fix them. I have a much better understandin of load orders and cannot fathom how i stumbled around the mods of skyrim with as little hassle as i had.


anyways what is the point of this? I would really like to install an ironsights mod. I currently have FWE, MMM, EVE and WMK. i have the compatibility patches for them sussed. I am lookin at some other weapon mods. apocalypse armoury looks great. and then there are a few smaller mods with just one or 2 guns (like the pulse rifle from aliens for example)


is this the best ironsight mod? rh ironsights - fose with the apocolpyse armoury mod do i use this compatability patch ? and what is the best way for makin it work with FWE, MMM, EVE and WMK.


sorry for noobishness but i really am wary of not messin this game up

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i tried rh ironsights myself with those mods you mentioned and, even with all the patches, it does not work 100% properly. You'll have issues with some weapons and i also have the feeling it modifies the weapon damage. I think this is the case with all mods that add weapons unless they have FWE and EVE patches, and considering the added difficulty of FWE, you should be careful of what new weapon mods you install.

Also MMM overwrites some FWE creatures stats, so if possible load it before FWE.

One more useful mod is VATS Cinematic Gone; this removes the bullet camera and others except first person from VATS, so you don't get killed while watching your latest victim head rolling around :)

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If you've followed Gopher's videos, then you should be fine to install RH Ironsights. On the Ironsights page, there are several compatibility patches available. Assuming you have all the relevant FOIP files, just download the files and run BOSS, and make a merged patch. Then, Ironsights will work properly. I may even make an extension video to Gopher's detailing RH Ironsights, as he seems to have stopped work on his Fallout 3 videos.
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thanks for the tips folks. that is sound advice for me to work with. i think gopher does the videos so well it makes it a little intimidatin when you decide to go out and take your own steps. i'll have to rewatch the FO3edit one and do a little research into BOSS. have tonnes of RL work just turned up so it will be a wee while till i can try it out but that means plenty of time to make sure i know what i'm at before i start experimentin. when i have solid results i'll post back here with the steps i take in case anyone in the future is ever curious.


Lt Rhapthorne any tutorial videos are always very appreciated :)


EDIT _ pretty much works with these mods. though the vats one i think caused a crash. not so bad though as prefer bullet time to vats anyways. cheers again folks

Edited by cybill
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