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Can I Run Skyrim?


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Hey, guys. Short and sweet, I'm just wondering if I could play Skyrim on my new computer. Wanna get into modding again, and my laptop is being retarded. Anyways, here are my specs. :)


Processor: Intel® Core i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz 3.00 GHz


Ram: 8.00 GB


System Type: 64 bit


Hard Drive: 1.5 TB Hard drive


Graphics Card: Radeon HD 5450 w/ 1GB RAM (Soon to be installed)


I used 'can i run it' and I met the minimum and preffered settings for everything except my graphics card, which, right now, has only 64 mb RAM. But, I have a spare radeon 5450 with 1 gb of ram in it, and I'm going to plug that in soon, unless something else is recommended, then I'll just save up. TY!

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You should be able to run it on High Settings with that. Which is much better than how it would run on a Console. When you have the Radeon HD 5450 installed.


My specs are similar to that. Only a slightly higher CPU Speed (3.17ghz) - I play it on High Settings.



I'm going to guess that the shoddy card you are using is just there temporarily so you have a display output? :P




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You'll run it. I don't know how well. Youtube benchmarks show that it needs to run Skyrim on fairly low settings to get good framerates, or you can put the graphics on medium and get decent framerates (without Fraps) with some optimization. With the better models of 5450 you can put Skyrim on high at decent framerates, but idk what your specific model is. Ofc the videos are getting lower framerates than you will, because they're recording with Fraps.




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Yeah. I think I'll install it, and if something better comes my way, then I'll just get THAT. I was just worried, cuz I looked it up, and a lot of people said that they had the radeon graphics card I have, and they can't even play with low settings. And, then others say they use the same graphics card, and can play on high or ultra with no problems whatsoever. LOL.
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It seems like the 5450 scales heavily with screen resolution. At 1080p you probably wouldn't be able to play at all, while at 1440x900 you'd probably manage low settings, and at 800x600 or lower you might get high settings.


Skyrim's screen resolution already affects performance much more than most other games based on Nvidia's benchmarks, so I'm guessing that your resolution is going to determine most of the fps hit.

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