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I would just like to bring one thing to light right off the bat, the PC version and the Xbox version are totally different games due to the fact that the pc has user created mods that fix and enhance all the missing, bad and incomplete content that Bethesda released in the Xbox version. With the release of Dawnguard it really has not fixed any the bugs plaguing Skyrim so I would highly recomend that anyone who is considering playing this game they pick it up for pc and not console for the user created mods alone which realy are just game fixes that should have been present on launch, or a patch (bethesda??). This is just my opinion, I have played on both extensively and just found the Xbox version annoying at best, just plagued with bugs, a lot of the stuff was from vanilla Skyrim and it did not get addressed when Dawnguard released which is an extreme dissapointment as some of the bugs like you companion STILL using the default hunting bow and not the one you equiped them with...bethesda?? and Dawnguard, I timed it off on the Xbox it takes 10 seconds to switch to vampire lord form and that is waay too long. I am sick of dying just as I transform in to vampire lord, and seeing how you cant interact with anything except levers your constantly switching back and forth so you are left vulnerable when you are switching if you are trying to play the vampire questline. I will note I have tried the Dawnguard side yet, but I dont think I want to invest the time with it on the console, I may on PC which seems to be a much better platform due to the created mods.


These opinions are mine and mine alone I just wanted to put them out there in hopes that Bethesda is listening, I have always had good things to say about Bethesda, had lots of fun with Fallout 3 but then they released Fallout New Vegas and it was the same, just buggy to the point of unplayable. I dont know when exactly games changed, but I always thought the premise of a game was to be fun not repetative and annoying.


Chuckanator 2012

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