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Very weird huge loss of FPS with ENB mods


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Hi all,


I am new here and trying on some ENB mods for Skyrim today. Normally when I play Skyrim I would have an average of 40 fps on Ultra setting, 60 fps if I turn off AA and AF on a resolution of 1920x1080. However after I installed The Wilds ENB by Lunanella (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21123/), the frame rate suddenly dropped down to unbearable 5-10 fps! And it really gave me a shock because I have my Alienware M17x runs on Nvidia GeForce GTX 675M, Core i7-3610QM and 8GB of ram. I also tried another ENB called Zoners High Performance ENB (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15551). This ENB mod is described as "the FPS drop is negligible, maybe 1 or 2 frames in some areas, my decidedly mid-range laptop never loses more than 3 frames with these settings." I installed the mod step-by-step and boot-up the game to see if it made a difference, guess what, the frame rate is still staying around 10. These pathetic performances really made me worry that there is some thing wrong, perhaps what I did or what I have missed. I mean, I'm still a noob in ENB and modding, so I almost-definitely is gonna be something that I've done wrong, I hope XD. Help please?


Cheers guys!

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Are you capping your framerate with the ENB mods? The ENB framerate capper is notoriously unreliable. If I use it to cap my fps at 30 it always locks at 16 fps in-game, for no discernable reason. Without an ENB fps cap there's no problem for me.
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