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Yield + Capture.


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The mod request is simple enough. I have some experience with scripting but I really wouldn't know how to go about this.


The system would be that when any enemy you encounter yields to you, i.e. "mercy mercy!" or is unconscious, there is a menu option to "capture" them.


This would make them follow you as many of the prisoners you see being escorted around by Thalmor/Legion/Stormcloaks. Then, once you're where you want to be - i.e. your house or some cave, you can reopen that menu and have them stop following you, and assume some kind of position - hands behind their heads, kneeling, whatever.


Any takers?

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Are you like a 3-D animator or something who can create new animations? Part of your mod idea would require that, and it is a pretty rare skill among Skyrim modders. You might want to revise that part of your mod idea.


Perhaps you could take the mod Mercy and edit it into the mod you describe.

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