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Body Shield.


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Before i start, english is not my first language, i'm still learning, so sorry for my writing erros.

I'm playing Skyrim with the mod "Skyrim Scalling Stoper", wich makes the game way harder and good to play, but is really hard to kill more the two enemies at the same time, specialy bandits. What i'm asking is, there is a way to make a mod that you come sneaking behind a person, that is important is someway, and grab her with a dagger(can be a knife or an arrow), and then threaten other NPCs that are in the same place, make them open doors or chests, give you gold, make the guards let you leave the city, or even help you in a quest that you are doing, let you leave the place without them following you. This is just an ideia, i'm not a modder so i have no idea if this is possible or not.

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