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Hostile animals frozen in place?


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So, I've already gone to a mod page asking for any input since I guessed where the issue was but couldn't figure anything out. I have started a new play through that I wanted to be very survival and living in the world of Skyrim and downloaded a bunch of new mods from my previous list and added very few old ones back in. I figured that this issue had to be related to hostile animals specifically because I have only seen this problem with spiders and wolves so far. I thought this issue would extend from either Wildcat, Hunterborn, or the creatures pack for FNIS, but disabling them one at a time and reloading had no effect.


Load Order: https://modwat.ch/u/Creamstar/plugins

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Problem solved from r/skyrimmods. Putting solution here.



You mentioned the creature pack for FNIS. What finally did work for me was while in FNIS for Users itself, disabling the creature pack. Then I uninstalled the actual creature pack in my mod manager. Re-ran FNIS, then reinstalled the creature pack and re-ran FNIS.

I'm fairly certain it was me using FNIS itself to "uninstall" or "disable" the creature pack that did the trick in allowing me to finish the job and come back around to getting it working again.

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