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Dragonbone weapons not affected by perk


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I don't think if anyone else had this problem. but When I try to upgrade the dragonbone weapons that I CRAFTED, they don't go over flawless if I don't use any smith buff. It is really a shame because dragonbone weapons are the strongest but without fully upgrading them they become worthless.
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Deustodo, for what it's worth, i've seen some reports regarding the issue with tempering limited to

flawless with dawnguard dragonbone weapons and a few other Dawnguard items, some people claim

after troubleshooting they discovered the issue was being caused by some incompatible mod they were running -

- might have been a weapon/armor fix or smithing/crafting overhaul mod.

there are also reports that Bethesda possibly missed adding the perk to some of the Dawnguard

weapons and armor items; so, these are either difficult or cannot be improved to legendary.

Edited by xlcr
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