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Good NWN2 modding forum?


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The Bioware forums are just about hopeless, nowadays. I have read a lot of things there, and have even posted things, on occasion.


I wanted to post something a few weeks ago, but it has been so long since I last did so that I forgot the PW I was using. I thought that since I remembered my user-name, restting my password shouldn't be a problem. I followed the instructions for doing so, was told that The reset had been successful and that I would shortly recieve an e-mail that I would need to follow in order to complete the reset process. The e-mail never came. I tried fro THREE DAYS to reset my password on the Bioware site, to no avail. I tried writing to site admin, only to have my e-mails bounced back, telling me the e-mail addresses were not valid. About the only thing the Bioware site is good for any more is downloading old modules. The forums certainly seem to be broken. Probably because Bioware sold NWN2 out to Atari. That's just my opinion.


One last comment. If you are a module builder and you have some obsessive compulsion not to allow resting in your mods., then at the very beginning of the description state that the mod is NOT playable by spellcasters. I do not know how many times I have WASTED my time downloading, uncompressing, and installing a module or campaign only to erase the whole thing in disgust after discovering that it was unplayable by all but a Conan-like PC, because there was no place for us mundane little Clerics ro rest and recover our spells!

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