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Oblivion crash, sigh.


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I disabled Relz' HUD Status Bars omod; and now my game will not load. Crashes without error after "Bethesda" intro, showing the oblivion load screen. Reactivation, clearing oblivion.ini has no effect. Loading without mods has no effect.


Dissapointed. Every time I try to get this game set up, right as I start playing I make some minor change that burns the whole house down.




I think I will give up on custom animation mods next time. In theory, they seem cool, but there's no support, terrible code, broken mechanics, and game-exploding conflicts hiding behind those decapitations.

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Could a vet here give me general advice on what to do when you add/remove a mod and everything just stops working and then no matter what you do the condition repeats? Is there a config file I am missing or something? I thought the entire point of OBMM was to make it so that these things don't happen, to have the application move back and restore files when you disable a mod.
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Crashes are usually caused by a missing master file (esp or esm). If you uninstall a file which is a master for another mod the game will crash when trying to start the game. Another option would be a missing data file like a texture. If OBMM uninstalls a mod it could be removing textures, which are also used by another mod and therefore causes a crash. OBMM should inform the user about this when installing a mod though (ask to overwrite a file). OBSE plugins can also cause crashes, which you might want to check. Edited by Maskar
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