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Steam, Skyrim and mklink o my ;p

Can I use mklink to move my Skyrim install outside of the Steam folder but on the same drive, in this case C:\?


My Steam install location is C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim


I want to move it to C:\Skyrim


"mklink D/ "C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim" "C:\Skyrim" Is returning an error saying it cannot find the path or some such. (I wanted to recreate the error, but have since moved my Skyrim install back into the Steam folder. It can't be good for it to cut and paste repeatedly back and forth. I'm hoping someone understands what I'm saying about the error.)


By the way, I am not a programmer, I am a land surveyor who loves Skyrim modding and want the most from my mods which require an install location outside the steam structure.


thanks for your time helping me,


"Make your own luck"

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I'm not familiar with mklink, but from what I've just read I think there's an easier way for you to accomplish what you want to do.


Here is a tutorial on how to move your Steam folder out of the Programs folder: How Do I Install Games on a Different Hard Drive or Location

Pretty painless and will help avoid the problems with UAC that get in the way of mods. I have mine installed to C:\Games\Steam and it works just fine.

If you're planning on using the Nexus Mod Manager, I'd recommend installing that the same way - outside of the Programs folder.


Good luck and happy modding :)

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The easiest way is to move the entire Steam - all games will be moved with it, and steam will still be able to find it for updates and will download any new games to the new location.


How to Move your Steam to another location Without having to reinstall anything.



However, if you want use mklink it will work.

How to move a single steam game to another partition or drive.



OR, use this to do it easier. :thumbsup:


Steam Tools program with a tutorial http://stefanjones.ca/steam/

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