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Customize Starting Skill Points / Racial Abilities at Character Creati


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Simply, in this mod you would create your character, pick your race, pretty (or ugly) up its looks, then type in his name. After you type in his name a second menu would appear, it allows you to take your base stats (The base 15, and the subsequent +5, +10 bonuses,) and re-arrange them for your play style. Like, taking One-Handed down to Zero, and moving Conjuration up to 30, allowing you to min max your character. I'd also like the ability to choose (maybe based on a point buy,) your starting racial power, or using your points to buy more health / mana. I liked the +50 MP boost to the high elves, and if I'd so choose, I'd like to trade in his current ability for that 50 point boost. (Not that I'm saying that mod doesn't exist, just an example of what this would make available to players,) I'd give you a list of reasons, like immersion, and role-play, but honestly I just think this would be a cool idea, and I'm sure a very talented individual would be able to whip this up in a jiffy. Hell I would if I knew Papyrus, but I don't, so I turn my humble request to the much more talented people of the Nexus, hopefully someone runs with it and makes something great.


EDIT: I just noticed the mistake with my title. I hope this doesn't get overlooked because of it.

Edited by Turtlicious
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