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AMidianBorn Book of Silence for SE


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  • 2 weeks later...

I did it manually, which was to go into each of the numbered installer folders, take the "textures" folder out and move it to my Skyrim SE data folder. If you're using a mod manager, I believe it should trigger a wizard automatically, to let you choose between some of the options, but I don't know much beyond that.

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  • 6 months later...

You just need to use the Oldrim version. No permissions to port to SSE, so it's personal use or not at all. What this means is you can do whatever conversions you need, to use it for yourself, but nobody can port it and upload it for others to use.


That being said, I'm still using the same Oldrim version I downloaded back when I played oldrim. Works fine in SSE. Just remember the archive is set up for mod manager installation, where you can choose from a few different versions of some textures. If installing manually, don't just dump the whole thing in data, or nothing will work. You'll want to make a folder somewhere easy to find, extract the archive to it, and then have a look at what you want to install. It will be like 01 elven dark, 02 elven gold, 03 fur, 04 hide, etc. Say you want the elven gold, open that folder then you should see the file path begin at "textures" from there. Cut that textures folder and drop it into your data, and it will show place the textures where they need to be. If you accidentally get the numbered folder in there, the game won't know what it's seeing.

Edited by thumbincubation
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