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Soul Trap for Destruction?


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When I made a destruction mage i always wanted to get really good enchantments.

But there was one thing in my way, i had to enchant a weapon or use conjuration.

I really don't want to cast a soul trap spell all the time because it costs valuable time.

And I don't really come up close to anybody.

So i had an idea.


How about adding 3 spells for each element that can soul trap people while doing a little bit of damage?

First you got Soulfire, the fire elemental spell that can soul trap people.

It should use the same effect as the Flames spell but with a little purple added to it. (or maybe as firebolt but with a soultrap duration of 15 seconds or maybe both)

And the other two soul traps should be called Soulfreeze and Soulshock.


I would really appreciate if somebody could make a mod like this.

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