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Unable to Elevate.

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I have no idea what I'm doing.... Obviously, but am trying to make use of the Better Call Ciri mod. Unfortunately the mods won't elevate giving me an undermined error that the system tells me might be that the folder is on a removable drive (It isn't.) and no longer available, Or that there's Virus protection blocking it (Currently disabled after I saw that.). Regardless it still refuses to do anything. I've combed through this Forum and have yet to find a similar error, so.... halp?


The most annoying part is that sometimes I can recreate the error alert, and sometimes I can't. Either way it doesn't work in the game (I think.), and it's not working regardless. I could probably muddle through troubleshooting, but I can't even find anyone else who's had the error. I do have the game installed on a second HDD but as it's also installed inside the computer, there's not a whole lot of other things I can try.

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