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Mod Suggestions? :)


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Hello and thank you for attempting to help! :)


Anyway, I only really like mods that enhance the game. Like better graphics, better mechanics and perhaps more NPC's.


Adding things like "making your own house" or using "anime hair" or "Giving dragons hats" definitely not mods I'll enjoy.


What I'm truly looking for are mods that SHOULD have been included in Skyrim but aren't... So if there was a fly on dragon mod, I think that would be something that should have been added? Or perhaps more random bandit encounters to test your blade on. Maybe a divorce system for marriage? I don't want anything that will effect the menu's or shouts or anything like that. The game is good how it is, all I want is a few extra's that make the game 100%


Anyone have any ideas?

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Damn! I clicked on "Giving Dragons Hats" hoping it was a link :verymad:


Seriously though, "should" is incredibly subjective. People like to play the game in all sorts of different ways, probably even some really would like dragons to have hats (and all the power to 'em). For a better example, I bet there's a lot of people who are totally into the "lore friendly" thing (whatever that is :tongue: ) and really like the "make your own home" mod, but apparently you're into that as much as hatted dragons (and all the power to you!)


This may sound cheaply vague, but I'd suggest taking the time and go for a big category-based browse on the skyrim nexus. From the sounds of it, particularly the "game play effects and changes" category - I think that's what the category is, or something close anyways. This suggestion from the "you never know what you need 'til you see it" dept.


Especially on the retexture thing (but so much more), check out STEP - the Skyrim Total Enhancement Project. It's essentially a suggestion list of a ****ton of mods and is a great source of ideas (it stays away from stuff like dragon hats).


Some specific suggestions:


You might want to check out Mighty Dragons or Deadly Dragons - no more weakling vanilla lizards and you'll be in for some epic battles.


On the game environment end, check out "Real Rain" and "Lightning During Thunderstorms" along with "Immersive Skyrim Thunder." You'll be lookin' forward to inclement weather!


For better looking water: "Pure Waters"


For (much) better looking critters: search "Bellyache" for her animal retexts. (I think STEP mentions this and suggests the default "Bellyache's choice". Personally, I like to go through the custom install procedure 'cuz there's a couple variations that turn my crank a bit more than the default.)


For better looking vanilla hair (personally, I also dislike anime-style hair): "Straight Hair Retexture" - best hair mod on the nexus imo.


To keep your quivers tight instead of floating 3 feet above your char: "Closer Quivers Longer Arrows"


To keep your bow from always defaulting to any crap arrows in your inventory rather than the ones you want: "Auto Unequip Ammo"


That's all that's comin' to me off the top of my head anyways. Some or all of 'em may be mentioned in STEP.


Sorry for the lack of links, but I'm severely limited on my toy pc here at work.

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