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Need help completing the main quest


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I am stuck in middle of the Throat of the World quest. I have given Arngeir the horn, the Greybeards have given me the Clear Skies shout and told me the way is now clear to go up and talk to Paarthurnax.


However, when I get to the top of the mountain there's nobody there. I have apparently missed some prerequisite step or done something out of order that's preventing the next quest/stage from starting.



Thanks in advance for any advice you longtime players might offer me.

Edited by DaedricBard
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Thank you!


Unfortunately, that didn't work. I assume 0003C57D is Paarthurnax's ID. But nobody shows up after the moveto player command.


It would seem I've somehow hosed the game too badly to even recover via the console.


Oh well, I've been thinking about starting a fresh playthrough anyway.


Thanks again for your help, JoseSnake.

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Thank you!


Unfortunately, that didn't work. I assume 0003C57D is Paarthurnax's ID. But nobody shows up after the moveto player command.


It would seem I've somehow hosed the game too badly to even recover via the console.


Oh well, I've been thinking about starting a fresh playthrough anyway.


Thanks again for your help, JoseSnake.


I've had that happen to my horse once, people will be quick to blame MOD conflicts, however the game engine is extremely sensible and buggy and stuff like this tends to happen for no logic reason.


I'm sorry I couldn't properly help you, you can mess with the Quest progression, however Paarthurnax shouldn't be missing in the first place.


I guess you wouldn't be surprised to find out you're not the first to run into this issue, are you using the Unofficial Patch?

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Thank you!


Unfortunately, that didn't work. I assume 0003C57D is Paarthurnax's ID. But nobody shows up after the moveto player command.


It would seem I've somehow hosed the game too badly to even recover via the console.


Oh well, I've been thinking about starting a fresh playthrough anyway.


Thanks again for your help, JoseSnake.


Maybe try and reset AI for Paarthurnax

resetai 0003c57d

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