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Frost damage extremely high against player??


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As the title states, recently I have been getting my ass handed to me by anything with frost spells, because the spell 1 hits me, it does an ungodly amount of damage. And when I say 'the' spell, I mean any spell, I was killed by the normally very weak frost shield within a second or two. I also died to a frost atronach's damage aura. Anyway, I have no idea where this came from but it's only recently started, I disabled the recent mods I installed and that didn't help. The mods I downloaded were one that increased the stamina and health of beast form, another which added a few perks to the werewolf perk tree. And a respawn for dawnstar sanctuary torture victims/alchemy plants. They are the only mods i've installed in a long time, and it only started today, yesterday it was fine. I'm unsure of how to fix this.
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