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The Hedgehog Race?


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Now, I'm a huge Sonic fan. After watching the video I'm going to show you below, I started thinking "It'd be pretty sweet to run through Skyrim with Sonic."




It'd be pretty awesome.

So, maybe, somehow, implement Sonic himself as a playable race, make a wearable costume(armor), or new race entirley, like Morrowinds "Hedgehog Race" mod.

This is my Request, fill it or not, bash or criticize.


Matticus, out.

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{My bad, missed the big 'ol "DO NOT BUMP" up top...}


No one interested in this?

I'm quite sure, by now, it can be done. I've seen Player Model ports from other games and even very well made models from famious anime cartoons( Vasto Lorde Ichigo ) yet no one can import a model of Sonic the Hedgehog? I've seen plety of 'em dispersed through the internet and even used in other games like GTA or Garry's Mod.

Edited by Mahrielicus
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