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Strange green lights in Oblivion

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I use the CBash beta method myself, though when following various things on the Wrye Bash mod comments I see that it's another thing that is no longer supported/recommended by the Wrye Bash folks. I plan on continuing to use it myself as I haven't had any issues arising from using it.


What kind or error messages are you getting ... and do you mean from using CBash beta?


Easiest way to maybe get your head around this bash tag business is to start by looking at the BOSS masterlist (you can find it in the BOSS\Oblivion folder ... it's just a text file). The masterlist is a pretty confusing looking file ... it works like a CSV (comma separated variables) file so it will look like one big long run-on sentence.


What you want to look for is sets of double curly queues ( {{ and }} ... an easy way to locate them is use the Edit menu Find and look for TAG: ). They enclose the BOSS bash tag suggestions. To get an idea of what bash tags are available look at Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html section 5b. The left column outlines all of the available bash tags and the other two address what the tag is meant to do and details for it's use.


To get an idea of how to use them yourself (meaning adding bash tags to a mod manually) have a look at the step by step I give in the Installation section of Unofficial Oblivion Patch Female Dremora Restored and Voiced.


The reason I'm pointing out that they can be added manually is because of the situation with newer versions of Wrye Bash not supporting BOSS any more. We lose more than just load order sorting (which can be easily worked around by running BOSS from the desktop and shutting off Lock Load Order in WB) ... we also lose the addition of bash tags to Wrye Bash from BOSS. That's why I said that one of the things required when using Wrye Bash and BOSS now is to check for missing bash tags when you run into something strange (WB uses bash tags to resolve problems that cannot be resolved via load order alone ... so a mod higher in the load order can still have the important changes it makes preserved in the bashed patch).


Yup, this is all very complicated but know this ... I am impressed that you seem to be getting it as quickly as you are considering you've only just gotten started.

So... we're losing the very helpful BOSS support. I can't even imagine that, although people always find a way to get around things (like I use to say: the situation/ hardness make the Man). Is there any game that doens't have BOSS support nowadays? Because I'm only playing Oblivion, and I intend to use PC only to download and convert mods for the games I will play when my video-game comes back.

I'm thinking downloading and installing mods too ... (damn it! I forgot the word right now, lolð) but, somehow... I don't know: it's refreshing when, after a while and a hard time, you can, finally, put that mod to work properly. But the process is too much time-consuming, and it is really painful when you don't get that thing out solved.

Of course, I acquired quite ammount of knowledge, but I don't know if I'll find some good use for it out of the installing mods (of course in the next games, I'm more experienced than never .I remember how I was afraid to tinker in Fallout 3, when I was just putting some NPCs essential and all using the console command. Now I feel quite confident myself about it).

Why am I saying all of this things?

Ah! I don't know!ð. Maybe this part you showed me about the Bash Suggestions is really too complicated, for me - or beyond? I don't knowð

Anyway, I'll look into your link about the female dremora. And about this issue about the green light: I tried everything, but couldn't find a solution. I'm thinking this might be something related to my weak and outdated integrated graphic card, since I didn't find anyone with the same issue. And that is something related to the light that torches emit it. That's everything I could find by myself and, of course, with your and others great help I've been receiveng since I began trying to playing Oblivion in my laptop.

Man, lol...

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Ya the Intel integrated graphics plus 4 GB RAM isn't going to do you any favours, especially if working with HDR enabled (I believe it stands for High Dynmanic Range ... which would explain why you see more exaggerated lighting effects).


Here's a copy/paste from a text file I have (that would have been copied from a post on here, but I'm afraid I've neglected to note who made the post) that outlines some tweaks you could use as a starting point in tweaking Oblivion.ini for using/testing HDR:


[BlurShaderHDRInterior] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC's
fBrightScale = 2.2500 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 0.2500
fBrightRadius = 7.0000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 3.5000
[BlurShaderHDR] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC's
fBrightScale = 1.5000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 0.5000
fBrightRadius = 4.0000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 3.0000


I'm gonna test these tonight!

Thank you!

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Here's a copy/paste from a text file I have (that would have been copied from a post on here, but I'm afraid I've neglected to note who made the post) that outlines some tweaks you could use as a starting point in tweaking Oblivion.ini for using/testing HDR:


[BlurShaderHDRInterior] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC's
fBrightScale = 2.2500 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 0.2500
fBrightRadius = 7.0000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 3.5000
[BlurShaderHDR] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC's
fBrightScale = 1.5000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 0.5000
fBrightRadius = 4.0000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 3.0000

Striker-dono, this has helped me A LOT! Thank you very much!

I even tweak this even more to make the game more like my taste.

Thank you very much not only for this, but for all of your help!

Oh! About the green lights, I still don't know what is it exactly but considering my low-end laptop (and the fact that I might be the only one relating this issue), it probally must be a lack of a graphic card, memory or whatever, heh. But activating HDR solved this problem for me.

Peace to all.

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