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New companion mod Play testing


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Anyone interested. It should be ready for playtesting in about a week, possibly less.



Standard hired NPC's (gold will be provided to pay during testing)

Specialist hired NPC's - this will only provide limited functions that wont involve combat (gold will also be provided for these)

Adventurers (not included in this release as they are intended to have quests)


Standard hired NPC's

Commands - follow (close, at a distance, sneaking close (constant) & sneaking far (constant) ) all will sneak when you sneak

Stay (and fletch arrows, repair equipment, make lockpicks, do nothing)

Ambush (currently two functions, wait until call (lesser power) and heal)

Services (currently heal party)


The ambush is the main part I want to test, especially the heal. As it currently is you need to take you companion to where they will wait and hide then tell them to wait for the ambush. The healer (only 1 battlemage or regular mage can perform this function at a time). The ambush cry works on the waiting followers in the current cell and 8 surrounding, at which point they will be set to a follow package and will then rush to the player and engage any enemies. Ranged fighters should fight at a range (hopefully in a hard to reach position). The healer will scan which of the party needs healing the most, if their health is below the threshold they will heal them, otherwise they will fortify them. The healer will only scan his/her current cell plus the 8 surrounding, and will only heal those which have a LOS.


I'm working on several improvements. Select the type of enemies you wish for the attackers to target first, select at what point you want your party members to flee (% of health) automatic flee if the PC distance exceeds set amount, and with the help (hopefully) of WarRatsG the ability to select where your party will wait without walking them there.


Specialist Hired NPCs

A 'pack mule' - carry loot (unlimited)

House servants - find and retrieve companions, find and pay companions whose contracts are nearly finished, restock food/drink in PC homes

Horse trainer - will train horses to behave a certain way in combat (PC decides) train their speed/strength/endurance


Suggestions are welcome for any improvements or changes however there are certain things I don't intend on doing.

I will not

Allow you to change the way a NPC fights - they wont die just to play your way

Allow you to take their armour/weapons (though you will be able to lend them some, that they'll use if it's better) - you wouldn't let someone take yours

Probably more.


Prices for the standard hired NPCs varies from 500 - 4000 septims, depending on their level

Also, currently the NPCs may be a little bland as it's the way it works I'm interested in, though I will put effort into as many as I can


Anyone fancy trying it or have any suggestions?

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This project is currently making a lot of progress, but is behind.

This release will only include the standard hired NPCs


The class based abilities are affected by your Fame/Infamy/Renown as the NPC levels (a separate level independent of it's standard level) depending on the class alignment, most are neutral


Class' and the special ability for each


01 – Battlemage – Battle Spells - Done

02 – Mage Healer – Fortify Spells - Done

03 – Servant of the Nine – Divines Protection - Done

04 – Deadra Worshipper Good –

05 – Deadra Worshipper Evil –

06 – Deadra Worshipper Neutral –

07 – Conjurer – Dark Welkynd Ally - Done

08 – Mage Warrior – Leech Fatigue - Done

09 – Mage Scholar – Mass Dispel/Silence - Done

10 – Necromancer – Necro Spells - Done

11 – Swordsman – Increased Health - Done

12 – Knight – Magick Leech - Done

13 – Knife Dancer – Lightning Speed - Done

14 – Paladin – Holy Light

15 – Warrior – Magick Leech - Done

16 – Barbarian – Increased Health - Done

17 – Savage – Nature Ally - Done

18 – Archer – Lightning Speed - Done

19 – Ranger – Chameleon After Firing - Done

20 – Crusader – Destroy Deadra - Done

21 – Monk - Deadly Hands - Done

22 – Brawler – Insanity

23 – Melee Agent -

24 – Magic Agent -

25 – Agent Archer -

26 – Assassin – Shadowscale Training - Done

27 – Thief – Bribe Guards - Done

28 – Infiltrator – Shadow Armour - Done

29 – Hunter – Heightened Senses - Done



Abilities based on (usually) primary attributes and major skills - 3 for each NPC


Agility/Marksman – Damage Fatigue - Done

Agility/Security – Steal Loot

Agility/Sneak – Auto-Chameleon - Done

Endurance/Armorer – Auto-repair Armour - Done

Endurance/Block - Reflect Damage - Done

Endurance/Heavy armour – Natural Armour (Heavy) - Done

Intelligence/Alchemy – Harvest the Dead

Intelligence/Conjuration – Resurrect Allies - Done

Intelligence/Mysticism – AoA Absorb Damage - Done

Personality/Illusion – Blend In - Done

Personality/Mercantile – Find More Loot

Personality/Speechcraft – Persuade Yeild

Speed/Acrobatics – Impossible to Touch - Done

Speed/Athletics – Second Breath - Done

Speed/Light Armour – Natural Armour (Light) - Done

Strength/Blade - Disarm - Done

Strength/Blunt - Fear - Done

Strength/HandtoHand -

Willpower/Alteration – AoA Turn to Stone - Done

Willpower/Destruction – AoA Elemental - Done

Willpower/Restoration – AoA Healing - Done



Services and tasks. Given to each NPC that is appropriate


All – Repair Own Equipment

Agility/Marksman – Fletch Arrows

Agility/Marksman – Ranged Attack Lead

Agility/Security – Break Locks

Agility/Security – Make Lockpicks

Agility/Sneak – Set Distraction

Intelligence/Alchemy – Harvest Ingredients

Intelligence/Alchemy – Make Potions

Personality/Speechcraft/Stealth – Lure NPC

Stealth – Pay Party Bounty

Stealth – Pay PC Bounty

Willpower/Restoration – Ambush Healer

Willpower/Restoration – Heal Party

Willpower/Restoration – Heal Self

Willpower/Destruction – Ranged Attack Lead



Some abilities I'm still not sure what they will be and others I'm currently working on. Any suggestions are welcome, also playtesters

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  • 2 weeks later...

This mod has now been released for testing here. I don't expect any problems, but I don't really play Oblivion atm so I can't say for sure.


It is by no means complete, but I needed to release something to feel like I'm making progress.


While I'm waiting for feedback I've got other projects to work on :biggrin: so the next update will be a little while. Any bugs however, will be fixed asap.


Please, please, please give feedback and suggestions. It will help create a better mod


edit. forgot to add a link

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I'm looking for suggestions for class based abilities. The first 3 are for deadra worshippers, so they should relate to towards the Deadric Princes. 1 is evil, 1 neutral and 1 good.

The final 3 are for agents (archer, melee and magic) and I would prefer that their abilities were not combat orientated, but instead useful to the PC during their adventuring.


All suggestions are welcome, even if you don't think it can be done.


As soon as these are completed I will be releasing my next update.

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