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Combat Style control for Follower


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Hey Guys,


Im looking for a mod that Control the Combat Style of my Follower. I have the problem Lydia is behinde me and just shot whit her crapy Bow and dont help me at the front.

Know anyone a mod that change lydia to use Sword and shild as her Bow?


Mod i try but not helpfull


-Amazing Follower Tweaks

-UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul


Thx for help and soory for my bad english or repost

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Try this mod. It allows you to remove the bow assigned to all followers by default.


EDIT: Actually, it looks like it's not a mod, just a text file that tells you how to use the console to do it. This file is actually a mod, and it accomplishes much the same thing.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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