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Mod Watcher doesn't work for me so don't ask me to use it. So I'm using Mod Organizer and got tired of having things in my overwrite folder; SkyProc Patchers, SKSE>Plugins, TES5Edit Cache, and a few FNIS files that I don't how got in there. Made them their own mod as a quick fix but I would prefer to get the files where they belong. My main issue however is with Dual Sheath Redux. It was working perfectly until I decided to mess with the overwrite folder. My Mod Organizer DSR directory goes like this: D:\ModOrganizer\SkyProc Patchers\Dual Sheath Redux Patch. This is where the .jar is for the patcher. In the new mod I made to pick up all the overwrite files is the other part of the SkyProc Patchers, but now I do not remember where to put the Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp. Sorry for the paragraph, just need to know where this esp goes and how to fix this overwrite folder mess.

**When I try to run the patcher I now get "This patcher requires the following mods please add them to your load order: Dual Sheath Redux.esp"

Edited by AlexNMS
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