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Creation Kit Misplaced My .esp File


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So I made a new house with my creation kit, and saved it as TestHouse.esp, went to check what i had so far in skyrim but there was no .esp file in my data directory from the launcher. so I went and looked in the directory and its not there, i then searched my computer, searching everywhere including non-indexed, hidden, and system files and turned up absolutely nothing. BUT it gets better, my creation kit not only says its still there in the directory, BUT LOADS the .esp file and allows me to continue editing it and save!!!!! UM.......WTH???????



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Ok- So fixed it myself, and to all those who encounter this- here ya go


1st Open Creation Kit and load Skyrim.esm

2nd Select the save option (you do not need to make any changes, we are not actually saving anything)

3rd Find the .esp file you need, and delete it, then exit

4th Go to your recycle bin and take it out and put back in your data directory

5th All done, it is the same file, and works just the same but now appears as it should!

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I hate it when I type out a reply then accidentally hit the "Add Reply" button instead of the "post" button and then my reply gets lost :wallbash:


You need to run the CK as administrator. It also helps to set the file access permissions of your Skyrim Data folder and all its subfolders so that all users have "full control".


Your "missing" mod was probably saved into the "virtualization" folder. Something like this iirc: "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ProgramFiles"

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